NC Space Cowboys

District IV

Club 4253

1254 Frankie Coburn Rd Pactolus, NC, 27834 

7 tips for helicopter flight success!

7 tips for helicopter flight success!

Micro RC helicopters are fascinating. For many, they are the ultimate flying machines. To master a miniature helicopter so you can fly it in your living room or from your back porch and turn your picnic table into a heli pad is amazingly satisfying. Micro helis are...
Clear Glue

Clear Glue

Sometimes a hard landing means you’ll need to repair your indoor flier. For models that have plastic struts and other fine attachment points, Bob Smith Industries’ Foam-Cure is an ideal repair adhesive. Squeeze out some glue on a notepad, use a toothpick to apply a...

Getting Started with E-Power

Today, our hobby is enjoying a literal “Golden Age” of RC electric flight. The amount of quality motors, batteries, controllers and connectors is just about limitless as are the types and sizes of airplanes you can fly with E-power. Model Airplane...